When was the last time you drank a glass of water and felt sick? Or got out of the shower feeling unclean? Or flushed the toilet and it wasn’t exactly, um, out of sight/out of mind?
If you live in the United States, the answer is (hopefully) not recently.
We are lucky to have consistent access to some of the safest, cleanest water in the world; our uncontaminated waterways and reliable fresh water supply are luxuries many in the world will unfortunately never know. Thanks to regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency and Clean Water Act, we are able to keep our water and wastewater systems separate, never giving second thought to turning on the tap.
Forsgren’s engineers work with all aspects of water and are dedicated to conserving and protecting this life-giving resource however possible. From our firm’s inception, we have worked with municipalities, special service districts, and private water companies to optimize water use and reuse. We know drinking water rules like the backs of our hands, and regularly assist with necessary state approvals and wastewater discharge permits. As Americans, we may take an icy glass of water or a relaxing bath for granted, but it doesn’t mean that they’re not miraculous feats given the challenges that face our nation’s water supply.